- What?
- What are you talking about?
Of course she's my mother.
- We have the same forehead.
- And he looks like Uncle Freddie.
- Yeah, I look like Uncle Freddie.
Please, just don't make this any harder
on yourself than it already is.
- Are you positive?
- Yes.
- He's not our brother?
How could you make
a mistake like that? I--
Well, our computer files
were in transition...
and Valerie's son
is named Martin Coplin...
- and he lives in Orlando, Florida--
- What? My son? Who is this man?
Not your son. Mel,
your father is named, uh...
Fritz Boudreau,
and he lives in Gundall, Michigan.
- So I was thinking, maybe on our way
to New York, we could stop off or--
- Who are these people in my home?
-I feel like a complete idiot. I'm so--
-Well, I take these people into my home.
- I know.
- We fly all the way out here,
we have this big, tearful reunion--
- Their child is here.
Yeah, well, get it out, Nancy. It's
gonna make us all feel a lot better.
- Are you humouring me?
- No, I am not humouring you.
- I don't think this is funny.
- I'm very serious. I certainly don't--
- Excuse-- No, excuse me!
I expect you to pay for this damage.
Well, w-wait a minute. You said
it was a gift from God. Remember?
That's when you were my son.
- Well, don't you have
insurance or something?
- And raise my premiums?
No, thank you. May I have
my pendant back, please?
- Can we have our shirt back?
- We'd let you keep it. It's just that
we don't have very many of them.
- Yeah. There's only, like, ten left.
- Yeah. No, sure.
- I'm sorry.
- Sorry.
- I understand.
- Thanks.
- Have a nice life.
- Yeah, good luck with this
whole family thing, you know.
- Thank you.
- I hope it works out for you.
You have my other knee pad?
How could you be related? How?
She is a six-foot blonde descendant
from the clan Bucanon.
We were only trying
to be open to them.
Well, we could be open with them,
but we don't have to become them.
I thought she was my mother.
Come on, give me a break.
How did you happen to knock down
those glass shelves, anyway?
I don't know. I just--
You know, we were trying to fix
the camera, and we bumped into them.
It's strange you would just
happen to bump into them.
Well, we were also
Indian wrestling.