What was that noise?
Did you drop something?
Goddam cat flew out of nowhere.
Scared the hell out of me.
- What are you doing?
- Huh?
- Where'd you get the pup tent?
- I--
I'm feeling very sexual.
I don't know.
I'm just feeling like I want to--
Wait. Let me just
take my glasses off.
Wait a second. Wait, Mel!
Mel, look at me.
Just slow down for a second.
Let's take our time.
- Look at me.
- Huh? Why?
- Why aren't you looking at me?
- What? What? I'm looking at you!
- Why do I have to look at you? I mean--
- Well, why can't you look at me?
I don't know.
I don't know what's going on.
I mean, don't you ever think
that maybe it's not natural...
for two people to be together
their entire lives?
- Do you ever think that?
- Oh, I get it.
Your parents
weren't good enough for you...
and now I'm not good enough for you
because Tina's a skinny dancer, right?
- No. What?
- You know, it takes some women...
more than a year to get back to their
normal weight after having a baby.
- You are not good B-and-B people!
- Yeah, well, that's because
we hate B-and-B's!
- Thanks.
- Look, we need to talk.
- Okay.
- I'm, I'm not sure I'm ready for
an affair with a married man right now.
I'm feeling just as confused as you are,
okay? About the whole thing, all right?
I'm in the middle of a divorce.
I'm going to school at night.
You know, I need to be taken
seriously as a woman.
I want to have my own children.
I want to have my own life, you know?
Not just some sort of vicarious
semblance of like somebody else's life.
- What's the matter with her?
- Hi.
She's upset about the way everything's
going. She's really-- Yeah.
Listen, I feel like I owe you
an apology about last night.