- Great, great.
- Right?
- Whatever, okay?
I wasn't circumcised
until I was a year old.
- Wow! Why?
- I had hypospadias.
- What is that?
- Here you are, sir.
- Well, hypospadias is like
a curvature of the penis that--
- They have to adjust it
with a whole operation.
- Really?
- Yeah. I had it done when I was young.
I mean, it's fine now.
- Oh, wow.
- Here you go. Honey?
- What?
- Why don't you cover yourself, hmm?
I just finished nursing him, okay?
Ever heard of hypospadias?
Is there something wrong
with the plane?
- How, how is the nipple irritation?
- It's really bad, actually.
You know why?
'Cause I, I was watching you...
and I think you might be holding him
at the wrong angle. Hey, I meant--
- I've been doing this for a while now.
- Oh, I know you have.
But, but, you see, when he's under,
when he's under your breast like this...
- Mm-hmm.
- and, see, he pulls down on the nipple
which obviously causes more irritation.
- But if you're out here and bring him
straight into the breasts--
- Uh-huh.
- You know? I mean--
- How'd you get to be
such an expert on all this?
- I went out with a woman
who was a midwife.
- Really?
- Yeah. You have very beautiful
breasts, by the way.
- Thank you.
I re--
I remember them from high school.
- Do you?
- Yeah. No, not that I was
like looking at them...
but, I mean,
I just saw them in passing.
- Hey, Paul?
- Yes, here.
- Do you mind finding another seat?
- I won't look.
- No, no, no, no. We need it
for the baby to stretch out.
- It would really help us out.
- Oh. Another seat, huh?
- Yeah.
- Oh, ok-- Yeah.
- Yeah? Great.
- Thanks a million. Thanks.
- No, that's--
- Okay.
- Thanks.
- All right.
- Hey, thanks for the water.
- Yeah.
- That's the headache pressure point.
- Mmm.
- Can you feel it?
- Yeah.
Is there something happening here
that I haven't been clued into yet?
Paul, would you mind
finding another seat?
This is wonderful. This is great.
I just-- I can't believe how naive I am.
Sir, I can't have you moving around.
Please sit in your assigned seat, okay?
Okay, okay.
Is anybody sitting here?