Flirting with Disaster

That's me.
- Mary Schlichting.
- Oh, so that's how you pronounce it.
- Oh!

- Nobody ever gets it right. Hi.
- Hi.
- And this must be your wife.

- Nancy.
- Nancy, hi. Welcome to our family.
- Hi. Look at the baby.

- Well, he's sleeping.
- These are our friends.

- Uh, Tony and Paul.
- Tony.
- Paul. Mr Schlichting.

- Hello, uh, Paul. Hi.
Hello. How you doing?
- I'm Tony.

They were going to stay
at Rancho Arroyo.

- Oh, my goodness. You can't stay there.
- Oh, yeah. Yeah. No, no. They, they
found that-- We read about that.

- Uranium, yeah.
- Uranium, yeah.
- Yeah.
- Highly toxic.

Thank God that's far away from here.
You don't have to worry about that.

- Well, could you recommend a motel?
- Oh, no! No, no, no.
- Oh, no need to go to a motel.

- There isn't a decent motel
for a hundred miles.
- And we have plenty of room
here for all of you.

- Oh, thank you.
- Great.
- Sure, sure.

- I-I-I don't want everyone
to stay here with you. It's--
- Why can't everyone stay here?

- Because this is a private thing.
- You know, if I could just lay down.
I'd like to go right to bed
and put the baby to sleep.

Sure. Let me help you. Don't you want
to eat something before you--

- No. Thanks. I'm not hungry.
- Nancy, come on. You're always hungry.

- Fuck you.
- What? I'm, I'm sorry?

It's just-- You know, this isn't
the time or the place for this, okay?

Oh, but it was the time and place
to wrestle with her...

in San Diego, right, and break
a bunch of glass animals?

That's i-- That's fine?
That was a perfect time?

-I'm sorry, is this inappropriate?
-Nothing in this house is inappropriate.
We'll be upstairs.

You know, I-I'll get the, the bags.
I think I want to lay down too.

I bet you would.
- Hmm. Hmm.
- Having some problems, huh?

Yeah, we're kind of having
a little bit of a--

- Yeah. It's, uh--
- This, uh, some kind of
a swapping thing you got here?

- That what it is?
- No. No, no, no, no.Just, you know,
there's a little friction, that's all.

- I mean, you know--
- And then, and, and
these guys came along with us.
- Well, you know, you know--

- You know, marriage is tough.
You just got-- You gotta be
flexible in marriage, right?
- Yeah. Yeah.

- This thing is wonderful,
by the way. Who made this?
- That's my work.

- Really? You did this? Wow.
- Yeah.

- Yeah, I got a blacksmith shop
out in the barn, and I do
my sculptures there...
- Oh.

- and Mary throws her pots.
- Great.

- Really? She's into,
into pottery? Pottery?
- Oh, she's gonna love showing you
her pottery. Yeah, look at this.

- See, this, this is slab construction.
If you can see the--
- Yeah.

Uh, when I roll it out, then I have
weeds in with the rolling pin.

- I press them right into the surface.
- You know, just ordinary weeds.
- You put the weeds in the clay, yeah.
