I've been around
a lot of flyers in my time.
- I think you're a natural.
- Do you really think so?
Some people are, when it comes
to flying. You're one of them.
The wind is coming
from right straight at us.
So it'll go right under the plane.
It's gonna be perfect.
- The plane's gonna be a lot lighter.
- I know, Dad.
Your takeoff roll will be shorter.
You'll climb real fast. But still,
do the smooth push-out with the bar.
Now, I'm coming up right behind you.
Just make passes around the field.
If your engine cuts out,
glide down onto the field.
Don't go anywhere except the field.
- Yeah, I know.
- You're gonna do good.
Lift prop.
Mama Goose, come in.
They've flown the coop.
Mama Goose, can you read me?
They've flown the coop.
Mama Goose.
Come in, Mama Goose.