- Oh, I gotta go. See you, guys.
- Where are you going?
- Good?
- Good.
-Goose Mobile, phase one complete.
-Roger, Papa Goose.
Don't worry, I'll take care of it.
Have fun with the kids.
Yeah. Yeah.
The buzzard is out of the nest.
Good, we're into phase two
in five minutes.
Because animal management
is everyone's business.
We're all responsible
to protect nature.
To look after the well-being
of the creatures that live in it...
...like we take care of our pets.
Does anybody have a pet at home?
- A hamster!
- Rabbit!
- Nice office.
- Can I help you?
Well, I hope so.
My brother and I were camping...
...and the weirdest critter
got in our tent.
Just waltzed in. Nasty little sucker.
I have no idea what it might be.
I was wondering if you'd take a look?
- You brought it back? Alive?
- Out in the truck.