For Ever Mozart

ls it her or is it him?
- You'll have to push.
- l'm tired!

l know, l know.
You saw Sollers' article in ''Le Monde'',
''Sarajevo and Marivaux''.
Let's go by foot. lt's not far.
She's given him the idea
of going to Sarajevo

to put on
''The Game of Love and Chance''.

As if France needed that!
That screwy philosophizing
daughter of yours!

He says he'll find a sponsor,
if l lend him the car.
Can you imagine?
The car in which Albert Camus got killed
drives on to Sarajevo.
l may have Corneille or Racine.
We said no tragedies!
How about Musset?
- ''One Mustn't Play at Love''
- ln Sarajevo.

l heard Musset
was mean to George Sand.

Serves her right.
