Let's get to work.
Tonight, philosophy.
Say something.
l think, therefore l am.
ln ''l think therefore l am,''
the ''l'' of ''l think'' is not the same
as the ''l'' of ''l am''. Why?
The relation between body and spirit
has yet to be shown.
Between thought and existence.
lt's not funny.
l bit my tongue.
The sensation of l have of existence
is not yet a ''me''.
lt's an unreflected sensation.
lt's born within me,
but... without ''me''.
What are you up to?
Nothing, Uncle.
ls everything okay?
We're not tourists, Dad.
l'm asking because people are
unhappier than we think.
And after all,
there's no such thing
as grown-ups.
What are you thinking?
l was wondering why l'm here...
and what it means to be here.
Do you regret having come?