Justice always prevails.
lf you have a wife
and children,
you can't write Hamlet.
l thought Shakespeare was married.
You've never read him! l have.
He missed out
on some good stuff.
Defeat of intelligence.
What now?
l'm giving up. l'm tired.
ls Sarajevo far?
Just think...
That's all l do.
''l am but a living stage on which
various actors do various plays.''
Fernando Pessoa.
Yes. Remember his outline for Faust?
Act 1 :
War of intelligence against itself.
Act 2:
War of intelligence.
lt's the Minister of War.
Of Defense, Sarah.
How's your book?
lt's coming along,
Mr Minister of Defense...
but not of the State!
Of the Republic!
Act 4:
War of intelligence against action.
Act 5:
Defeat of intelligence.
l see.
Very few people can see.
l hear, then !
Let's go.
Just another 300 kilometers.
One more cigarette.