- Take it easy.
- Come on.
Where do you think you're going ?
You're hurtin' me !
You're hurtin' my arm !
What's your name, Miss ?
Ramona Lutz.
Bully !
- Stayin' at this motel ?
- Yeah.
I never saw that before in my life,
and that's God's truth, sir.
You're telling me this
brown residue isn't narcotics ?
It doesn't belong to me.
What is that ? Speed ?
You look like a speedy kind of gal.
Officer, please, listen to me.
My little girl...
she's home with me now, and she just
got out of Children's Services,
and I cannot afford to be busted again
because they'll take her away from me.
They'll just take my baby away.
You know this pipe
constitutes probable cause,
so we're gonna have to take
a look inside your motel room.
You can't do that.
My husband's asleep.
- Your husband know you're soliciting ?
- Give us a fuckin' break.
- Your husband own a firearm, Ramona ?
- My Larry is on parole.
He hasn't had a firearm
for a long time.
We're gonna be real unhappy
if you're not tellin' us the truth.
I am tellin' you the truth, okay ?
Come on. Let's go.
You guys are makin' me
wish I was dead.
You fuckin' happy about that ?
Are you fuckin' happy about that ?
Cut that out right now
or you're gonna be hogtied !
- But if you just listen to me !
- Shut your mouth now !
Not another word !
Sheriff's Department, Larry.
- Oh, yes !
- We need to talk to you a minute.
Hey ! What the fuck !
- Oh, shit !
- Who's the girl, Larry ?
- Tryin' to take my baby away.
- You're diddlin' the daughter, Larry ?
What kind of question is that ?