how much easier it is to really share
something with a perfect stranger...
stuff that you couldn't even
talk to with your friends or family.
I noticed that.
- That's real funny.
- Yeah, it is.
Most of the kids I work with, I don't
press 'em to talk about themselves.
I just let them know I'm there,
and that they can talk
about themselves if they want to.
I guess my biggest problem
right now is...
my mama's in jail.
Vanessa, that sounds like
a pretty bad situation.
Yeah, but that's why
I'm goin' to see my grandma.
Would you mind me asking
why your mother's in jail ?
It's pretty embarrassing.
Why would you be embarrassed
about another person's acts ?
I don't know, it's just...
I mean, I don't feel comfortable
talkin' about stuff like that
'cause I think it makes me
look like a low-type person.
Well, I can understand that.
Most of the boys I work with,
even the most troubled ones...
all they really need is just
someone to listen to 'em.
Yeah, but you probably get so sick
of hearin' them sad stories every day.
I don't.
I really love my work.
I couldn't imagine myself
doing anything else. Not ever.
Guess I wouldn't mind
talkin' to someone.
I just wouldn't know
where to begin.
Why don't you begin with your mother ?
I mean, if you want to.
My mama's a whore.
Thanks, mister.
I mean, Bob.
I can't believe
I'm tellin' you all this stuff.