Goddamn it !
Get your fuckin' pants down,
you fuckin' cunt !
What'd you call me ?
Get your fuckin' pants down now !
Okay, but look, I got these boots
and I got all them laces and stuff,
so give me a minute.
Hurry up.
Fucking bitch !
I'm gonna fuckin'
kill you, Vanessa.
- You just settle down, Bob.
- Okay.
You just settle down right now !
Drop that razor out the window.
If you try anything,
I'm gonna shoot you so many times !
You should've just let me out of the car
when I asked you to, Bob !
You see where
bad manners get you ?
Listen, Vanessa, look.
I just...
I've heard all I'm gonna
hear out of you.
- Fuck !
- So there !
Jesus Christ !
That's for trickin' me into tellin' you
all them things I never told my fiance !
Jesus Christ !
We're gonna get into an accident !
And that's for cuttin' off
all my hair, you fucker !
Vanessa, you're upset, okay ?
You have every right to be.
Something dark and terrible came
over me, but I wasn't gonna hurt you.
- You gotta believe that.
- Yeah, right ! I'm so sure !
I'm serious. I just wanted to scare you.
I don't even know why.
Vanessa, it's obvious to me right now
I'm a profoundly sick man.
I won't argue with you there.
Anyone who'd do sex to a dead person
is definitely sick, mister.
See ? You just admitted it.
I'm a sick...
Bob, shut up !
Shut up !
Son of a bitch.
Vanessa ? What are you
thinking right now ?
You wanna hear more of my
innermost fuckin' secrets ?
- No.
- Fuckin' asshole.