And I got caught and...
the judge sent me
to this group therapy session
for these girls who are
supposed to be klepto.
How many times were you
arrested for shoplifting ?
Seven times.
What else ?
Okay. Now this is gonna sound bad,
but it's not as bad as it seems.
But I learned later that
I had this problem with anger.
But I don't have that problem no more.
Just answer the question.
Back in Texas, these cops said
that I lit this shed on fire.
You were arrested for arson ?
Yeah, but nobody got hurt.
It was no big deal.
The judge even said I could
get it "explunged" from my record
if I was to go to
these group therapy sessions
with all them teenagers
who are supposed to be firebugs.
that judge got switched,
so that's why it's still there.
How many times were you
arrested for arson ?
Three times.
Okay. What else ?
Come on, Vanessa.
Tell us.
Just doin' what came natural, huh ?
Hey, Mike.
What's that supposed to mean ?
- Let's get back to the questions.
- No.
What's that supposed to mean ?
You think prostitution comes natural,
like bein' a nigger ?
You don't like
bein' called a nigger ?
Well, I don't like being called
a natural-born whore. So there.
- Sit down.
- No !
He's talkin' to me
the way that fuckin' guy did !
Is that why you shot him ? Or because
you wanted what was in his wallet ?
I already told you why I shot him,
you shit-skinned motherfucker.
Fine, you fuckin' coon !