Suspects described as white males,
approximately 25 to 30.
Suspect number one
about five-eleven, medium build,
brown hair, brown, dark pants.
Suspect number two,
about six-one, medium build...
brown hair, round glasses,
dark clothes.
Be advised suspects are armed and should
be considered extremely dangerous.
Use caution apprehending them.
- Hey, Earl.
- Yes, sir.
- What do you know?
- Well...
it's a hot goddamned day.
l haven't felt it a bit.
l've been inside with the
air-conditioner blastin' all day long.
- Oh, is that right?
- That's right.
Didn't you break for lunch or nothin'?
l'm by myself today.
l ate my lunch out of the microwave.
Jesus H. Christ, Pete.
When are you gonna learn that microwave
food will kill you faster than a bullet?
l mean, them damn burritos ain't good
for nothin' but a hippie...
when he's high on weed.
Pull me out a bottle of that Jack,
will you?
l think l'm gonna get tanked tonight.
What's the matter?