l mean, taking care
of that potato head.
l guess you heard about that shit
up in Abilene. Bank robbery?
lt's all that's been on the box all day.
They killed some people, didn't they?
Yeah. Killed four Rangers...
three cops...
one civilian.
Took a lady bank teller
hostage with them.
Supposed to be headed for the border,
which'd bring 'em right my way.
Get my hands on them crazy, sick
fuckin' bastards, it's payback time.
l mean--
Well, we'll get 'em.
- We'll get 'em.
- Well, l don't doubt it.
l gotta drain my lizard.
Mind if l use your commode?
- Knock yourself out.
- Thank you.
You're welcome.
Do you think l'm fuckin' playing
with you, asshole?
Do you want this little girl to die,
or that little girl or yourself?
Or your bosom buddy with the badge?
Now, l don't want to do it...
but l will turn this place into
the fucking Wild Bunch if l think
that you are fucking with me.
- What do you want from me?
l did what you said.
- You let him use the bathroom.
- No store does that.
- He comes in here every day,
and we bullshit.
He's used my toilet a thousand times.
lf l told him ""no,"" he'd know something
was up.
All right. l want him out of here,
in his car and down the road...
or you can change the name of this place
to ""Benny's World of Blood.""
Were you giving that pig signals?
Are you kiddin'?
l didn't do anything!
- He says you were scratching.
- l wasn't scratchin'!