lt's 6:00. What time does it get dark
around here?
- About 8:00.
- Good. l'm going to the border,
check things out.
l'm gonna call Carlos, try and arrange
some sort of a rendezvous.
- l don't know what yet.
- Could you see if he could arrange
a better deal than 30%?
lt's their standard deal.
They're not gonna change that for us.
Did you even try
to negotiate with them?
Richie, these guys are not spic
firecracker salesmen from Tijuana.
They don't even know the meaning
of the word ""barter.""
You wanna stay in El Rey,
you give them 30% of your loot.
lt's scripture.
So it is written, so shall it be done.
- Look--
- Yeah, l know, listen. Hey, you want
sanctuary, you gotta pay the price.
The price is 30%.
- All l'm sayin', man--
- This conversation's over.
We need to have a talk.
What's your name?
- Gloria.
- Hello, Gloria. l'm Seth.
That's my brother, Richie.
Let's cut to the chase.
l'm gonna ask you one question...
and all l want is a yes or no answer.
Do you wanna live through this?
- Yes.
- Good. Rule number one: no noise.
No questions. lf you make a noise...
Mr .44 makes a noise.
lf you ask a question,
Mr .44 answers it.
Now, are you absolutely, positively
clear about rule number one?
- Yes.
- Rule number two.
You do what we say when we say it.
lf you don't, see rule number one.
Rule number three: Don't you ever try
and fucking run on us...
'cause l got six little friends...
and they can all run faster
than you can.
Open your eyes.
Gloria, you hang in there,
you follow the rules...