She dead?
- Yes, she is.
- How'd she die?
Auto wreck.
Come on, Jacob, give me some
more details. How did it happen?
Some fuckin' drunk kill her?
No. lt was a rainy night.
The brakes on the car weren't great.
She had to stop suddenly.
She slid on the road.
She crashed. She died.
- She died right away?
- Not quite.
She was trapped in the wreck
for about...
six hours before she passed on.
Yep. Those acts of God really stick
it in and break it off, don't they?
Yes, they do.
ls that real?
l've seen one of these things before.
A friend of mine had himself ordained...
a minister of his own religion.
Some way to fuck the lRS.
ls that what you're doing,
or are you the real McCoy?
Real McCoy.
You're a preacher?
l was a minister.
""Was,"" as in not any more?
- Yes.
- Why'd you quit?
l think l've gotten about as up close
and personal with you as l'm gonna get.
Let's just keep this friendly, okay,
Pops? Let's not get too sensitive.
Oh, you're right.
Enough with the gettin'-to-know-you
shit. All right.
l don't give a rat's ass
about you or your fuckin' family.
You can all live forever,
or you can die this second.
And l don't give a shit which.
The only things that l care about...
are me, that son of a bitch back there
in the back and our money.
So you help us get across the border
without incident, you stay with us...
through the night
without trying anything funny,
without trying to escape...
and in the morning,
l'm gonna let you guys go, all of you.
How do l know you'll keep your word?