What you said back there in the room.
What did l say?
- You asked me if l would eat out--
- Richie.
- What?
- l told you to watch those kids,
not to talk to them.
You don't have nothin' to say to one
another, so let's just cut the chatter.
We'll talk later, okay?
- Just stand back there.
- Move it up. Move it up.
All right, everybody. lt's show time.
Richie, you take Kate into the bathroom.
Scott, get up here with your dad.
Let's go. Let's go!
Now, what are you gonna say?
l don't have the slightest idea.
Just keep thinking about that gun
next to Kate's head.
Get in.
- Another one up. Come on.
- Come on. Let's go.
- This isn't gonna work, Seth.
- Shut up. lt's gonna work just fine.
Dad, what are you gonna do?
l'm gonna try and get us
across the border.
Dad, you have to tell them
that they're back there.
- Have you forgotten about your sister?
- l want to go on record right now as
saying that this is a very bad idea.
Duly noted. Now shut up.
Step right over there.
That's okay.
They're gonna kill us, Dad. They're
gonna get us across the border...
take us out in the desert somewhere,
then they're gonna fuckin' shoot us.
lf they get over the border,
they're gonna let us go.
They won't. Dad, come on.
l watch those reality shows.
They never let anybody go.
Any cop will tell you...
in a situation like this,
you get a chance and you go for it.
l know it may not seem like it,
but l know exactly what l'm doing.