...and expect it to be case closed.
- After all we've been through?
- Keep your voice down!
I forgot.
We can't let your macho ass
out of the closet.
What do you want me to say?
That it's another man, or a woman.
That you're confused about
your sexuality. Anything.
Look, Randall, I need space.
- That's it.
- Not good enough.
If I knew you were gonna trip
on me, I'd have made you stay home.
You've got a lot of nerve.
You are not the reason I came on
this trip, you pompous bastard.
Good. Then you won't mind
if I change my seat.
I do mind. I mind that you're not
man enough to admit you love me.
- Hold up!
- What?!
- Cool, Dad.
- Oh, Lord.
We're going to the march
with a bunch of homos!
Tell me I didn't just hear
what I think I did.
He said:
"You're not man enough to admit
that you love me," to him.
We have faggots on the bus.
Gays have no role in our community?
I'm talking about the faggots
we got on this bus.
How else would they get there?
Damn straight.
It's no biggie to me.
You bend down
and grab your ankles too?
No, I ain't gay, all right?
I still don't see what the problem is.
Ask them why they're going.
Look, bro. You know what? I will.
The Bible says it's an abomination.
...sometimes I ask myself
what would I do if...
...one of them...
...was my son?
Or worse, still...
...what if I was the one
that was born that way?
What's your lady's name?
- Jindai.
- Oh, she is pretty!