We're just getting going, y'all.
Yeah, one million strong.
I can't believe this.
Writing a letter?
This is a prayer I thought I might say
when we arrived at the march...
...thanking the Lord
for all that this means to me.
If we arrive.
White boy driving us to the Million
Man March, that's gotta be a bad omen.
What's the deal
with Kunta Kinte there?
Brother said for us to stay
out of his business.
I don't care what some judge said, no
way I'd handcuff my son like that.
That I cannot say.
No kids?
Oh, yeah, I had...
...two kids.
But not anymore.
That's all over now.
No family at all?
Not anymore.
Jeremiah's strictly on his own.
How do you feel?
You're on a bus...
...with 20 black men.
How do you feel?
Black, white, all the same to me.
I like to think of myself
as colorblind.
So you didn't notice at all that
everyone on this bus is black but you?
So-called black men,
descendants of slaves.
Well, we're all
brothers under the skin, right?
Now we're brothers just because
you're on the black bus?
Look, I never wore a white sheet
over my head. I'm Jewish.
God forbid we think a Jew
could be a bigot.
My parents were for civil rights.
Blacks came to our house...
Are you getting this? They actually
had blacks at their house.
I didn't mean it like that.
Oh, spare us.
Only two things came out of
the civil rights movement.
One: Black people got a few crumbs.