Get on the Bus

- Lf it's just lying around the house?
- Yeah, sure, if it's there.

Right. But you say you care
about black people.

- Don't think I have a right to go?
- I didn't say that.

I just want to know what you think
the gay man's role is...

:43:16 the black community.
What's yours?
Why do you say that
stealing's not wrong?

I didn't say it wasn't wrong.
I'm saying the way I got it,
it wasn't really wrong.

Because I ain't hurt nobody.
Right, so you're saying...
...if you take someone's stuff
and don't hurt anyone, it's okay.

You're taking it the wrong way.
I ain't taking nobody's stuff.

It was there.
The money was there, you know?

Nobody was there.
You'd leave money if you saw it?
If it wasn't mine.
Yeah, okay, that's what you say.
Don't know, man.
- Are we going to eat?
- I think I'm getting a hangnail.

It gives me great pleasure
to welcome you to the Little Rock...

:44:13 area.
Who are you supposed to be?
The welcoming committee
for all the fine sisters.

Oh, please!
You don't recognize me, do you?
I'm an actor.
You played on an episode of Martin!
You were the janitor!
He's famous. You're funny.
Sorry we didn't recognize you.
We've been driving.

- Where are you from?
- Dallas.

I've heard Dallas has fine honeys.
Wait a minute.
Aren't you the only two black
cheerleaders on the Dallas Cowboys?

Well, what do you know?
Is he bothering you?
- You scared me.
- Sorry.

Hopefully Minister Farrakhan will
teach him not to bother ladies.
