Get on the Bus

No, ain't never been
out of South Central.

There's another urinal. You don't
have to wait for me to finish.

That's all right.
I'm just gonna wash up.

You wash your hands any more,
you'll rinse away the melanin.

Thank you.
There they are! How you doing?
How are you, my brothers?

Hey, brother.
Good morning to you.
Good morning.
Come here, young blood.
How you all doing, brothers?
What happened to Rick?
- I don't know.
- What do you mean?

He had something to do.
He bailed?
Don't worry, I'll get us there.
DC's not just around the corner.
The devil wants us to throw in the
towel, but I'll still get us there.

Excuse me.
What can I do for you?
I just heard you're going
to the DC march.

That's right.
Well, well.
My name's Wendell. Wendell Perry.
I own a car dealership here
in Memphis. Lexus SC 400...

And it's mine.
We already have a ride, brother.
I'm not trying to make a sale.
I want to tag along.

You want to come with us?
Yes, indeed.
It's the place to be,
and I want to be there.

All I need is a ride from y'all.
I wish I could help you, but...
...everybody paid money
to get on this bus.

Oh, well, brother...
...if you're concerned about money...
That ain't what I mean.
You see, if I pick up any strays,
I could lose this gig. Understand?
