Get on the Bus

How long you been in Memphis?
Born and raised.
- You never lived anywhere else?
- No. Don't intend to.

Business must be good.
Couldn't be better.
Let that be a lesson to you.
Work hard, graduate from school.
White man can't hold you down, I don't
care what they say. Get an education.

But just don't go anywhere.
You see me? I went to Vanderbilt.
In Nashville.
I graduated Phi Beta Kappa.
You'd never catch me going to
a nigger school, like Fisk.

All them niggers know how to do
is step and sing.

Sell fish sandwiches to get textbooks.
Y'all better open up these windows,
it's getting funky.

Jay forgot his deodorant.
We're used to it.

Fuck you. I'm sick.
Young blood, do something
with your life.

Don't just talk about it.
Niggers love to talk about
what they gonna do:

"I'm gonna do this."
Niggers ain't gonna do a thing.
That's why they like Farrakhan.

He ain't no Bible leader.
Who are you to be dissing Farrakhan?
What have you done? What have you
sacrificed to help lift your people?

Farrakhan has been at the forefront...
...of the struggle to clean up
the black man for 40 years.

What have you done?
You haven't done a goddamn thing.
Love Louis Farrakhan or hate him,
that's your choice.

But if it wasn't for him...
...your ass wouldn't be
on this bus. You know why?

He was the only black leader with
the balls to call for this march.

You know why?
Because as far as so-called
black leaders go...

...Louis Farrakhan is the only
free black man in America.

You know why?
Because his only allegiance...
:06:46 to his God, Allah,
and his people.

Nigger, come on. You must admit
the man is self-serving.

Everybody's self-serving
on one level or another.

The fact is, the Nation of Islam
can help thousands.

And put a lot of money in his pocket.
I been to his palace in Chicago.
