That home belonged to
the Honorable Elijah Muhammad.
That nigger the same thing.
You saying people shouldn't
get paid for helping others?
Priests and reverends get paid.
- The president's getting paid.
- Him too.
I'm just saying, one positive thing
about Farrakhan is...
...he don't have that nigger attitude
like Jesse Jackson.
Here you go begging
for a ride on this bus...
...and you're gonna dis
Farrakhan and Reverend Jackson.
Because of Reverend Jackson...
..."I am somebody."
The bus I drive, and I mean this...
...may be for the ugliest brothers
alive, but I am:
Seriously, you know what I'm saying
about niggers like Jackson.
They all say the same thing: "Hire us.
Feed us. Affirmative action."
Like we need a nipple in our mouth.
You a Republican?
Yeah, and proud of it.
- You "Nigger Gingrich"?
- Got a problem?
How can a black be a Republican?
I don't see how he can't.
Got that right.
Oh, here we go again.
Democrats want to keep us powerless,
begging for handouts.
If we have babies without
a plan for their future...
...they say it's okay.
"Take a few more handouts.
Have a few more babies."
A gay, black Republican.
Now I've seen everything.
According to my observation,
you haven't seen much.
I told you about riding my ass,
especially without my permission.
Hey! You gay?
That's okay.
You might be gay...
...but as long as you're
a Republican, you're okay.
We're an endangered species,
just like that owl on the bus.
It's niggers like Flip...
Niggers like Flip?
Wear their suffering on them
like a badge of honor.
You better wake up
and smell the coffee!
Because 9 times out of 10 your mama's
in the whites' kitchen brewing it.
You leave my mama out of this.
At least she ain't out there
on his doorstep begging...
...like most of you lazy niggers.
Don't make me whip your ass.
Are you saying...