Back on the road
And we're DC bound
Back on the road
And we're DC bound
Go, Pop. Go, Pop!
I might have been lost
But I done got found
I might've been lost
But now I'm found
I might've been lost
But now I'm found
I say that this Monday
Shall be so profound
See, sometimes in the village...
...drums would be talking
all night long.
Like this. And you have...
...a heavier sound up here, right?
And a lighter sound here.
And you have to get them both in.
And give yourself an easy rhythm.
Like that.
Steady and hold it.
Show me what you can do with that.
- Here's the deep sound.
- Right.
- The high sound.
- Right.
One, two, three, four.
No, young blood. Your hands are
too flat, like a pancake.
You have to loosen up your wrists.
Don't beat it.
- Make love to it, you know?
- Make love to it.
- Make love to the drum.
- Like Cathy.
Yeah! Like Cathy.
That's right. Easy does it. Slowly.
Easy. Steady.
There you go. There you go.
Like this?
That would last all night long.
I'm sorry I outed you like that.