They expect to have more trouble
getting out of here than getting in...
You're hearing now the crowd as it
starts to get worked up and chanting.
They are chanting, "We are here."
We need to take control
of our institutions...
... our media, our schools.
When you maximize our
economic resources...
... towards our own benefits.
When you stop making excuses...
... when you stand with our mothers...
Please vote!
You gotta vote, black man!
Your vote counts.
Please vote, or this
is where you'll end up.
In the garbage can!
Take me out of there!
Cause I'm gonna vote.
I messed up last year!
I didn't vote! See what happened?
And this is 1995!
Just think 10 years from now!
We'll all be running around like this!
And he gonna be howling!
Long live the spirit
of the Million Man March!
Long live the spirit
of the Million Man March!
God bless you!
You can see there's a Jumbotron...
... for those who can't see the stage
from further back.
I don't want you to think I was
rationalizing smoking brothers.
What happened to your dad
was messed up.
The way I lived my life
was messed up.
The only thing I can try to do is...
...make sure other kids
don't do the same.
The last place I saw my father
alive was the hospital.
Three bullets in him.
I asked my mother
who would do something like that.
She said, "There are good people
and bad people in this world...