...at least we stood by the brother
when he needed us.
That's got to mean something.
We're here because...
...God Almighty wanted us here.
And he don't care so much about
what you already done.
...asks what you're gonna do now.
So maybe we...
...missed the speeches.
The chance to smile, to chat...
...to rub a friendly elbow
with one another.
To collect all the souvenirs,
the buttons...
...the T-shirts.
That was important.
That would have been
good for the spirit.
And I'm sorry we missed it.
Because the real march...
The real march
ain't even started yet.
This was only the prelim,
the warm-up...
...calling the tribes together.
The real Million Man March...
...won't start...
...till we black men...
...take charge of our own lives...
...and start dealing with crime...
...and guns and gangs...
...and children...
...having children, and children...
...killing children all across
this country. So if...
You know something?
If y'all are all ready to quit...
...your apathetic and unsympathetic
ways as I am...
...and take back control of
the black community, as I am...