The serpent lies coiled in Naples."
First off, I want everybody to know
Tommy Bilotti continues as a captain.
But he's also gonna be
my personal Doberman, right, Tommy?
Always, Paul. Always.
And Frankie De Cicco
is our new consigliere.
Armone, he wants
to get out of harness.
I've done my stint for 44 years.
I bought a little
hole-in-the-wall cafe in Astoria.
I could walk to work every morning
and get away from my wife.
Anyone ever wants to consult,
come right over. Coffee's on me.
Everyone at this table
should be proud to be sitting here...
in front ofa man's man.
All right, fiinally.
I think everybody here knows
I'm keeping Neil on as my underboss.
- It gives us some continuity.
- Grazie, Paul.
You know, I don't think
the Queens boys know Di B.
This isJohn Gotti,
Robert Di Bernardo, known as Di B.
- I love your handkerchief.
- I was gonna say the same thing.
That is Angelo Ruggeirio.
You know my tailor?
Di B runs all the porno in Brooklyn.
You don't have to say anything about
John. His reputation precedes him.
All right, all right.
What's on the table?
I have Genovese people hijackin' three
loads outta Kennedy the last two months.
Colombos took offa couple too.
If I gotta rip somebody's
fuckin' eyes out here to--
Wait a minute.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Nobody's eyes
are gonna get ripped out.
- I'm ready to whack the motherfuckers!
- Nobody is gonna get whacked!
Not unless the boss
ofthis family approves.