
I gotta go out to the island now
to talk to Bobby about stolen watches?

Are you fuckin' kiddin' me?
I coulda been a meter maid.

I coulda worked for UP-fuckin'-S
and made more fuckin' money!

Where the fuckyou come cryin'
to me about empty pockets?

Why don't you just say what you want.
What do you want?

You want a piece of Di B's porn?
A piece ofSammy's construction?

What do you want,
demolitions, cement or garbage?

You want trucks, meat, fiish, garment?
So the fuck do I!

Anybody got any ideas?
- I got one or two.
- Yeah?

- Here's the money!
- What the fuck?

Johnny! Come on!
Don't think for one minute you're not
diggin' into Angie's drug operation.

You and Angie and D'Mig
and your brother Sally are dealin'.

Don't ever fuckin' think
I don't know that.

And I hearyou with that
in thejoint, Quack-Quack.

What's the matter now?
You got nothin' to say?

You got it wrong. Nobody's dealin'.
We're movin' a few things for Sally.

You movin' furniture
for fiive dollars an hour?

Let me tell you somethin'.
This Sicilian motherfucker
fiinds out you're dealin' heroin...

I can't save your ass,
and I'm the fiirst to get hit.

You know why? I don't let
anyone whack out my crew.

Now, is that what you want?
What do you say the three of us
go down to Umberto's...

we get some scungillis,
we relax.

I'm relaxed.
I'm plenty relaxed.

I'm goin' down to Regine's,
have a drink with Di B.

I smell like a fuckin' animal now.
