We should write
a wedding song.
What's the social
Oh, well, I wasn't thinking about that.
That's your department.
I don't believe
in marriage.
What do you mean you don't believe
in marriage? You're joking, right?
No. Why?
Oh, God. Come on.
You believe in it?
Marriage is
a bourgeois convention...
You honestly think a contract can
or should bind people to each other?
Why should modern affairs
between men and women be
modeled on an arrangement...
that was forced on people by the
church and state during feudal times?
Even then, it didn't work. Men were
bringing home syphilis to their wives.
- Well... I mean, I just
think that, you know,
- Hmm?
people taking vows
in front of other people...
- What?
- It's kind of beautiful.
I think that kind of
romanticism bullshit's...
what keeps people
in bondage.
Your friend John Murray's married.
He's not conservative.
- But... John Murray?
- Mm-hmm.
What... What is this... You have
a crush on this guy or something?
- No.
- Huh?
- You do. Look at you.
- [Laughing] Do not!
Forget about him, all right?
You're mine.
- Am I?
- # I know, girl
you were runnin' round #
## [Continues]
[Phone Ringing,
People Chattering]
- ## [Continues]
- You married him?
- [Joel Laughing]
- You told me to sign here, right?
- Just sign here.
- Joel, listen...
- I'd like you to meet...
- I know, the new receptionist.
Oh, golly, no. This lady here
is a new member...
of the Charny Music family.
I just signed
Cheryl and her partner.
First song they've written
is gonna be the Luminaries' next hit.
Oh, that's great!
That's great.
- Thanks.
- They could use a hit.
The last three songs we wrote for them
were banned from the radios.
It's funny, because in Europe
such bannings are never heard of.