Grace of My Heart

Are you listenin' to me?
This bullshit you're wallowing in...

is happening
outside of yourself.

If you could just pick yourself out
of the crap, you'll realize that...

Mr. Married Guy let you down,
not your talent.

Don't let these other bastards
get you down.

- [Sighs]
- Come on.

I have the perfect producer
lined up.

- [Laughs]
- Come on, sit up.

This guy, he's the new "hit-maker"
genius, the next..."wunderkind."

- Phil Spector?
- Phil Spector, history!

Shadow Morton?
Shadow Morton?

This guy's no Liberace,
who I feel is valid in his own right.

He's an Einstein
in the control booth. He's a wizard.

Direct your eyes right here.
# Take a run at the sun #
[Reporter] While The Beatles
and The Byrds are both at work on...

what are being termed "concept albums",
teen favorites, The Riptides,

are also changing directions.
Oh, Joel.
Jay Phillips, the one on the guitar.
He's the brains behind the band,

- And the wizard behind your next hit.
- On their last album,

Jay Phillips caught
the critics' attention...

when he added orchestral instruments
into their popular surf sound.

Surf and turf stuff.
[Laughs] That's not my thing.

[Reporter] It seems this was only
the beginning of Phillip's imagination.

- Tell us what we can expect
from this new record.
- [Chuckles]

Well, I really don't know
what to expect myself.

I'm kinda... just gonna sort of
let the album dictate itself to me.

But I can guarantee it'll be
different from anything you've
heard from The Riptides before.

Very, very talented.
Very sweet.

A little out there.
He's from California.

Is there any particular theme
or subject stringing it all together...

like some of the other
concept albums being recorded now?

Childhood. Innocence.
How a kid looks at things. How a kid'll
make up a song so the lyrics...

don't always make sense to, uh,
[Chuckles] adults.
