Grace of My Heart

# And, God
if he'd grant me #

# His indulgence and decline #
# I might as well #
# Wipe him from my memory #
# Fracture the spell #
# As he becomes my enemy #
# Maybe I was washed out
like a lip print
on his shirt #

# See I'm only human #
# I want him to hurt #
# I want him #
# I want him to hurt #
## [Piano Continues]
# Since I lost the power
to pretend #

# That there could ever
be a happy ending #

# That song is sung out #
# This bell is rung out #
# He was the light
that I'd bless #

# He took my last chance
of happiness #

# So, God
give me strength #

# God, give me strength #
# God, give me strength #
# God, give me strength #
