I'm gonna ask her
to marry me.
Maybe you should, you know, ask her
out for dinner and a movie first.
You think that's a better
idea, huh? Oh, well.
Yeah. I do.
Why don't you level with me?
"God Give Me Strength" broke you, right?
Get out of here, huh.
You're just like a woman to think
she's the ruination of a guy.
Look here.
You made me, Denise.
I was the laughing stock of this town
before you wrote me my first hit...
a-and my second,
and how many since?
See, you forced me to take...
chances I would've never had
the guts to take alone.
You made me, kiddo.
# Absence makes the heart
grow fonder #
# How I miss him
when he wanders ##
## [Surf]
[Denise] Hey, Luma!
Hey! [Laughing]
Oh, Jay. You're very bad, you know.
You said you were gonna buy her a puppy.
- You didn't say you were
gonna buy her two puppies.
- I know.
She couldn't make up her mind, and she
looked so adorable holding them both.
It so adorable. Edna. I'm gonna
have to call you Edna from now on.
You know, sometimes when I look at you,
I see you way in the future...
as this amazing old lady who's done
all this really far out things.
- Mm-hmm.
- But you don't see that.
What's it gonna take for me...
to get you to see
your spark?
[Theremin Blaring]