Pick up on that.
Hang on to that.
- Hold on to that, man.
- Jonesy, man.
You got so much, huh?
All right.
## ["Don't You Think
It's Time"]
# Of a song
I thought was yours #
# But I know life
was overrated #
# Before you walked in
through my door #
# You're so shiny #
# You're so fine #
Oh, Jay!
# Come on
wiggle for me #
# Don't you think
it's time #
It's beautiful.
It's so beautiful,
- It's so beautiful.
- Yeah?
I was so scared,
I was so scared.
I thought you didn't love me.
And then you told the doctor
that you lost...
Oh, no.
That you'd lost everything.
Oh, God.
# Don't you think
it's time #
# Take my love #
Oh, Jay, please don't
leave me again, please.
Be sss...