Don´t get mad at me.
But she´s an oId Iady.
Look at her. She´s oId.
You can´t just take her stuff.
She´s too oId.
I´m sorry. I have no discretion.
Her stuff is now our stuff.
WeII, at Ieast we got the house.
I´II bring furniture from my pIace.
We´II be okay.
Now you´II reaIIy be mad.
I´m taking the house, too.
My grandfather buiIt this house
with his bare hands.
My grandma´s been here over 60 years.
You can´t take her house.
Mrs. GiImore owes the IRS
usd270,000 in back taxes.
We have to take the house.
If you can´t repay the money in 90
days, we seII the house to someone eIse.
You hate me, don´t you?
No, I don´t hate you.
He hates me.
Don´t worry-
things wiII be okay.
Look at this pIace.
SiIver Acres Rest Home.
It Iooks more Iike a country cIub.
Nice grass, nice peopIe.
I hope you brought
your bathing suit.
You´re going to make friends
in no time.
Get me out of here!!!
Here, eat that!
Leave us aIone!
Grandma, you couId come
Iive with me.
Nonsense, dear.
You´re a grown man.
I wouIdn´t burden you
Iike that and that´s finaI.
TeII me, how is that nice girIfriend
of yours?
She got hit by a car.
She´s dead.
Listen, I wiII get that usd270,000
and get your house back.
I promise.
Oh, sure.
In the meantime, just stay here
and have some fun.
I wiII, dear. Don´t worry.
Pardon me,
but it´s nap time.
Nap time--that sounds nice.
-You go.
-I Iove you.