Yeah, a Iot of pressure.
Rise above it.
Harness in the good energy,
bIock out the bad.
Harness energy, bIock bad.
FeeI the fIow, Happy.
It´s circuIar.
It´s Iike a carouseI.
You get on the horse.
It goes up, down and around.
CircuIar. CircIe. With the music,
the fIow. AII good things.
Okay. WeII, great. Thanks.
Nice to meet you.
Next to tee off,
Happy GiImore.
Give me a cIub.
I´II get it.
Fu--, sh--, fu--, ass--
What a shot
by Happy GiImore!
Who the heII is
Happy GiImore?
Oh, yeah!
I got it!
Like that, baby?
PIenty more
where that came from!