Most peopIe are over watching
Happy GiImore.
He´s the taIk of the course...
...with his huge drives
and bizarre behavior.
He´s on the 17th green right now,
having troubIe cIosing out his day.
Happy, the baII has its own energy
or Iife force, if you wiII.
Its naturaI environment
is in the hoIe.
Why don´t you send him home?
His bags are packed.
He has his pIane ticket.
Bring him to the airport.
Send him home.
Send him home.
I´II send him home.
It´s time to go home, baII.
Son of a bitch baII!
Why didn´t you go home?!
That´s your home! Are you too good
for your home?! Answer me!
Suck my white ass, baII!
Draft a press reIease stating GiImore
is being thrown off the Tour.
I want to see it by 6:00 p.m.
You´re right--his behavior is
compIeteIy unacceptabIe.
But goIf has been waiting
for a pIayer Iike this.
A coIorfuI, emotionaI,
working cIass hero.
I wiII not toIerate this behavior.
GiImore is gone.
I got a caII
from the DaIIas Open.
They´re deIuged with caIIs
from peopIe who want to see Happy.
-They soId out.
I know he´s a IittIe rough.
Let me work with him.
Okay. Fine.
But he´s your responsibiIity.
If he cIeans up, he can stay.
If he doesn´t, it´s your ass.
And any more of this...
...and he´s gone.
Shooter! Shooter!
What do you think
of Happy GiImore?