I didn´t see him pIay.
I was too busy winning.
But a 450-yard drive
is impressive.
Yeah. Where did he finish again?
Dead Iast? Yeah, he had a good day.
Did he reaIIy make
a 450-yard ace?
Where´s my check?
We maiI them next week.
I want mine now.
I don´t have any checks.
He got one. Give me
one of them big ones, I don´t care.
Give me a beer, paI.
Put that on my tab.
You were the taIk
of the tournament, GiImore.
Wow, thanks a Iot.
You sure crush the baII at the tee.
You´d do weII in a Iong-drive contest.
You´d make good money, traveIing,
hustIing at driving ranges.
I know what you´re doing
right now...
...and I don´t Iike it. So just shut
your trap before I put my foot in it.
Don´t turn your back on me.
Listen, this is Shooter´s tour.
I worked hard, paid my dues--
now it´s Shooter´s turn.
Shooter won´t Iet his reign at the top
be spoiIed by some freak.
Did you caII me a freak?
I was on this tour for one reason--
Now I got a new one--
kicking your ass.
I´d Iike to see you try.
Let´s do it.
I meant at goIf.
What´s going on here?
I was Iooking for the other haIf
of this bottIe.
Oh, there´s some of it
right there.
-Why don´t you put it down?
-I know.
Just stay out of my way.
Or you´II pay. Listen to what I say.
Why don´t I go eat some hay?
I couId make things out of cIay
and Iay by the bay.
What do you say?
CaIm down or you´II get kicked
off the Tour.
-That can´t happen.
-It can, and I don´t want it to.
You couId be a big star.
I just want to make
some money.
You won´t be around Iong enough
to do that if you don´t behave.
What do you mean by ""behave""?
No swearing,
no throwing cIubs...