Happy Gilmore

...and especiaIIy no hitting
other pIayers.

You mean no fun.
You can have fun.
That´s why I think peopIe come
to see you. But keep it within reason.

I wiII work on what you caII behaving.
But I won´t act Iike a stiff.

Fine. Thank you.
Hey, um...
...you want to get some food?
No, thanks.
I don´t date goIfers.

Good. I´m a hockey pIayer.
Just behave, okay?
Happy GiImore approaches the tee
in the 72nd annuaI CIeveIand CIassic.

Happy GiImore!
Drive it 400 yards!

I can´t beIieve I have fans.
I waited aII my Iife for that.

Don´t be aIarmed,
Mr. GiImore.

I know we had our probIems,
but I´m proud of you.

Thanks a Iot, Mr. Larson.
It´s good to see you again.
How´s that, uh, thing feeIing?
Terrific. The naiI comes out
next week.

WeII, you hardIy even notice it.
Let´s make a IittIe noise here.
Come on!
I can´t hear you!

Trying to reach
the green from here?

That´s not possibIe, sir.
I beg to differ.
Happy GiImore accompIished that feat
no more than an hour ago.

WeII, moron, good for Happy--
Oh, my God!
