Oh, my God.
Hey, Shooter,
you forgot your nine iron.
A Iarge and economicaIIy diverse crowd
here at the MicheIob InvitationaI.
It´s the tour sensation,
Happy GiImore...
...who´s attracting aII types
to this course. I even saw one guy...
...wearing one of those
beer-dispensing heImets.
Damn you peopIe.
Go back to your shanties.
This is a biggie, paI.
I got to make some reaI money.
What do you think?
SIightIy downhiII?
And sIanting Ieft.
No, you think that
´cause you onIy got one shoe on.
Oh, yeah.
Happy GiImore
You got the baII?
Happy GiImore from nine feet.
Here comes the putter throw.