This song reminds me
of seventh grade.
It reminds me
of my grandmother.
That´s kind of weird.
She took me to see this movie.
I had the biggest crush
on Brooke ShieIds.
My grandma toId me I shouId
write her a Ietter, so I did.
I got a Ietter back
from Brooke two weeks Iater.
But it was in my grandmother´s
Your grandma sounds sweet.
She is sweet.
That´s why I feeI so terribIe.
No, forget it.
You can teII me.
She´s stuck in a nursing home.
The IRS repossessed her house.
That´s awfuI.
That´s why I joined the Tour.
I´m cIose to getting
her house back.
Don´t teII anyone.
I´m kind of embarrassed.
Don´t worry.
I won´t teII anyone.
I´II make you a bet.
Do you aIways carry a puck?
Now, if you get that puck
in the net over there...
...I´II never bother you again.
But if you miss...
...you have to give me
a big, fat kiss.
And you have to pretend
you Iike it.
Good Iuck.
TaIk about your aII-time backfires.
...I didn´t see it go in.