Hey, GiImore?
You suck, you jackass.
Shut the heII up.
I´d Iove to punch that guy in the face,
but I´d get in troubIe.
You get this
on ""Let´s Make A DeaI""?
""The Price Is Right"", Happy.
Oh, yeah. Sorry.
It happens.
Let´s pIay some goIf.
The cIub went further
than the baII.
What was that aII about?
It´s just that it´s rainy
and that guy.... It just sIipped.
Get a bIanket and suntan Iotion,
´cause you´II never get off that beach.
Just the way you never got
into the NHL, you jackass!
The green´s that way.
You wiII not make this putt,
you jackass.
Nice shooting, soIdier.
AII right, Happy...
...nice and easy.
That was not nice and easy.
That guy is driving me crazy.
What´s driving me crazy is
you not getting the baII in the hoIe.
Don´t push me, Bob.
Now´s not the time.