I'm goin'!
Hey, you guys...
what do you say
I propose a toast?
Come on.
Oh... go away.
Say it quick, before
it stops fizzing.
Shake it up, take a sip,
and wish for what you want
most in the world.
I want to replicate
my own DNA
and win
the Nobel Peace Prize. Yeah.
Very good, Janie.
Okay, shake it up, Sport.
Shake it up.
I want to play
more baseball games
than Cal Ripkin, Jr.
Oh, yeah!
And get filthy rich doing it.
Oh, yeah!
Shake it, Harriet.
I want to see the whole world
and I want to write down
Harriet, slow down.
That's very impressive.
I'm goin'!
That's good, Harriet.
That's very pretty,
isn't it, Janie?
Yes, I like it.
Got you!
Hey, wait up.
Everybody, hello!
It sucks, sixth grade!
Feet off the bed, please.