Feet off.
Oh, the heinie bounce.
Good choice.
Very cute, Harriet,
very cute.
The neighbors
will ask me,
"What happened
to Harriet Welsch?"
"I don't know,"
I'll answer.
"Such a shame.
"She disappeared
without a trace.
And she was
so adorable."
How long have you been
with me, Golly?
Since you were born.
11 years and
12,000 tomato sandwiches ago.
And you'll never leave me,
Well, I won't leave you
"leave you," Harriet,
but, you know, one day
you're going to be big enough.
And well... well, big enough
to take care of yourself.
And when that day comes
you won't need me
and I'll be gone.
But you know what?
That day is not today.
And now, it's time for bed.
Are Mom and Dad
tucking me in?
They're at a very fancy party
and I bet they're thinking
about you right now. Really.
Listen, I think I can hear 'em.
listen to everything
Golly says to you.
We're drinking champagne
and eating caviar, Harriet.
Come on.
Let's go to bed.
Who's going to bed?
Uh, you are, tough guy.
- Come on.
- Ow! Ow!
Child abuse! Child abuse!
Oh, you think
that's child abuse?
You haven't even...
How about that?
What about that?
What about one of these?
Stand still,
you little booger.
I'm telling you,
just give me the big knife
and this will all be over.
Harriet, dear,
you have taken
a tomato sandwich
to school with you...
With mayonnaise.
...with mayonnaise
every day
for that past five years.
Don't you want
a little variety?
Not even cream cheese
with olive?
Or how about pastrami?
Roast beef?
How about the fancy
cucumber kind,
with the crust cut off?
Mom, I can't help it
if I know what I like.
And I know that I like tomato.