Hey, Al.
How´re you doing, buddy?
- Is she in there?
- No.
- You saw her go in.
- No, I didn´t.
I´m going to talk to her.
- I heard that before.
- You are my best friend.
- I love you.
- I love you too.
Eat shit.
Okay, here we go.
- Good.
- How you been?
- Good. And you?
- Fine. Long time no see.
Just talk to her.
You just got to fucking talk to her!
- What´s ginseng for?
- They is for men.
- What does it do?
- You know.
What does it do for women?
You just walk over
and you talk to the woman.
It´s not a big production.
It doesn´t have to be dramatic.
You just walk over and you...
And you die, you walk over
and you die because she´s so...
- See you.
- Thanks, guys. Have a good one.
It´s bad.
Shut up.
I said I´d kill myself up here
with you in three weeks.