Not up here, it doesn't.
The answers are in here.
And the magic
is in here.
So, James,
what'll it be?
Now, listen to me, James.
Don't let them get away,
because if they do,
they'll work their magic
on whoever or whatever
they meet first.
What's going on out here?
No. Wait!
Wait! No!
No, wait.
Wait. Please stop.
Here he is.
Eat up, you little worm!
We sent you to kill a spider!
Not to laze about.
I wasn't lazing about.
I tripped.
How dare you disagree with us?
Beat him, Sponge.
It's too early.
Well, that makes you
the luckiest boy alive.
Now, come inside
and get dressed!
Spiker! Look, a peach!
A what?
A peach. There, on that branch.
That old tree's
never had blossom on it,
let alone a...
Well, I'll be blowed.
There really is a peach there.
A nice big one, too!
How can we get it?
The boy.