# Peach, peach, peach, peach
# Peach, peach, peach, peach
Watch this!
# This fantastic peach! #
You keep to yourself, don't you?
I prefer to be alone.
I was alone
for a long time once.
I think it's much nicer
to have friends, don't you?
I would not know.
They would be your friends too.
The others, I mean,
if you'd just let them.
No. It is in their nature
to have fear of me.
This I cannot change.
You are very kind to me.
Maybe this is because you
are kind to me first.
You were the spider
in my window.
You were my first friend.
I mean, since I went
to live with my aunts.
They hated me!
Ssh. Do not think of them now.
What if they find us?
What if we don't make it
to New York?
I'll die if I have to go back
to the way I was.
They can't make me.
Nobody can make you
do anything, James.
If you do not let them.
You are a brave boy.
Now to sleep.
You have had
a very tired-making day.