Jing cha gu shi IV: Jian dan ren wu

What are you doing?
He's at the Underwater World.
something is going wrong there.

-Now we can talk.

I know you're with
the Hong Kong police.

Who are you working with?
Used to be CIA. Now it's FSB.
-A complicated background.
-It was quite simple.

The man you're working for
is Gregor Yegorov.

Do you know him, too?
Call him now. Here.
Hello. Yes.
This is Jackie speaking.

What the hell is going on?
Hello? Jackie?
-It's me.
-Who is this?

It's Tsui.
So you want to get rid
of me without paying?

-Oh, no.
-I want double now.

In cash. You got three days.
I have your phone now.
I'll call you...

and let you know where
and when to meet.

We need to talk about this.
I'm sorry
I had to do that to you...

but look at
what's in your second button.

You'll find them in your car
and everything they gave you...

including this pair
of very ugly underwear.

You're under surveillance
at every moment.

The less you know
the safer you are.

By the way, Jackie...
you're a lousy singer.
Everything is here,
but the jacket is missing.
