Way to go, Jamie!
I didn't make it.
]Car alarm chirps]
TED: Hey, neighbor!
Why are you on my roof?
What's Ted doing on your roof?
TED: Ta-da! Ha ha ha!
I had some extra lights.
Since you didn't put up any,
I thought, what the heck?
Why not spread some Christmas
cheer around the neighborhood?
Aw, gee, Ted, how thoughtful.
TED: Sorry you missed
the karate class today.
But don't worry.
I got it all on video for you.
What would I do without you?
HOWARD: Did you tell Ted
to put lights up?
LIZ: Do you know
what time it is?
You should have seen
the traffic.
And I got a speeding ticket.
Don't explain to me.