MYRON: Booster?
Who wants Booster?
HOWARD: The Turbo Man dolls...
they're all gone!
MYRON: There's another one here.
HOWARD: There are none!
I'm trying to find
a Turbo Man doll.
- Me, too!
- Any more in the back?
Ha ha ha!
- What?
- What's he laughing about?
Ha ha ha ha ha!
CLERK: They want a Turbo Man.
Ha ha ha ha ha!
They're looking for Turbo Man.
Ha ha ha!
WOMAN: Hey, everybody,
they're looking for a Turbo Man.
]Everybody laughing]
MYRON: Shut up, man!
HOWARD: What's so funny?
Where have you guys been?
Turbo Man's the hottest-selling
Christmas toy ever.
CLERK: We got plenty of
Turbo Man's partner Booster.
Where's your Christmas spirit?
That's better.
Now, there must be a Turbo Man
around here somewhere.
The last one just left.
Some lady had it on layaway.
A lady? What lady?
CLERK: Short, with a fur coat.
HOWARD: Fur coat.
MYRON: Sorry, buddy.
MYRON: Heh heh heh!
HOWARD: Give me this.
This is war.
MYRON: Ha ha ha! Whoo! Uh!
BO Y: Cool.
Oh, poor baby.
MYRON: Turbo Man.